

Pelvic floor exercise is an exercise done to help in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscles are

High blood pressure in pregnancy

source: There are certain conditions in pregnancy that can be a source of threat to the mother and baby

Exclusive breastfeeding and the working  mum

Being a career woman  and juggling motherhood is not quite easy, then you have to couple it up with breastfeeding

​Coping with minor discomforts in pregnancy 

Today is another beautiful Monday for a sequel to last week’s post. The minor discomforts series would last for the

Coping with minor discomforts in pregnancy

This is the first in the series of minor discomforts in pregnancy. I will be sharing remedies and several ways

15 practical tips to breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be very fulfilling and at the same time exhausting. Breastfeeding has a significant impact on the present and

The fit preggo: eating for two

So today is about eating for two people. I know you are thinking your food quantity would be doubled and

10 reasons why you should exercise.

Like my previous post on the “fit preggo” It was about exercising in pregnancy and basic exercises you could carry

The fit preggo: basics of exercise in pregnancy

Exercise does a lot of wonders during pregnancy and  with lots of benefits to the expectant mother. Exercise improves mood