Coping with minor discomforts in pregnancy
This is the first in the series of minor discomforts in pregnancy. I will be sharing remedies and several ways to cope with some of the discomforts in pregnancy. One thing you should note with discomforts is that it varies for different people, different bodies different reactions, you might be experiencing a certain discomfort in which another might not experience. So I will be sharing remedies to nausea and vomiting, heartburn, constipation, urinary frequency, hemorrhoids , and leukorrhea.
- Nausea and vomiting: This is one of the commonest discomfort and it is experienced by most women. The exact cause is not known but it is believed to be due to the increased hormone levels or changes in carbohydrate metabolism. Nausea and vomiting is quite normal but when vomiting becomes excessive and causing you to loose weight it is called hyperemesis gravidarum . see your midwife or doctor for appropriate care. Certain foods and odors trigger nausea and vomiting avoid such triggers, avoid greasy , oily and highly seasoned foods also. Take cold fluids , eat dry foods like crackers, also minty sweets and gum help to suppress nausea and vomiting. Due to the nausea and vomiting some tend to loose appetite, in such cases try taking fruits and have small frequent meals, small frequent meals ensure that you eat and get all the nutrition and energy you need despite a lack of appetite.
- Heartburn: heartburn is due to the regurgitation of acid contents of the stomach into the oesophagus which is mainly due to the displacement of the stomach by the growing pregnancy. Heartburn is aggravated by overeating, ingesting fatty and fried foods, and lying down soon after eating. Avoiding these situations listed is the first thing you need to know, drink lots of water , eat smaller and more frequent in order to accommodate the decreased size of your stomach and also avoid spicy foods.
- Constipation: this occurs due to the increased absorption of sodium and water from the colon thereby resulting in smaller stool with lower water content (hard stools).increase water intake, consume fibre foods such as wheat , also engage in exercise to help in alleviating this problem.
- Urinary frequency: during pregnancy your visit to the toilet becomes more frequent it is quite normal too. It occurs due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder, don’t try to hold the urine ensure to void when you feel the urge. Increase fluid intake during the day and decrease only in the evening to decrease frequent urination at night which can disturb sleep, also empty bladder frequently approximately every two hours.
- Hemorrhoids: this is popularly known as pile (in Yoruba it is called jedi jedi). It is due to both constipation and pressure in the veins below the enlarging uterus. It can be inherited, due to excessive weight gain , increased maternal age or a large fetus. Consume lots of water and fibre rich foods , elevate legs frequently , avoid crossing legs at the knees, standing for too long periods and also avoid constrictive bands such as garters.
- Leucorrhea: this is known as increased whitish vaginal discharge. During pregnancy there is increased vaginal secretions which is not abnormal and no cause for worry, there is onl a cause for concern when the discharge is any color other than whitish such as yellow or brown and having a malodorous odor e.g fishy smell , report such abnormalities to your midwife or doctor immediately it can be an infection. Hygiene in pregnancy is very important especially the vagina in order to prevent excoriations and vaginal infections. Ensure you bath daily , avoid douching, wear cotton pants(nylon pants and pantyhose retain heat and moisture in the genital area) and always ensure to report any foul odors or change in vaginal discharge to your midwife or doctor immediately it is noticed. you can get more information on vaginal hygiene on my post on Tips to maintaining a healthy vagina
I hope this has been useful please share your own relieve measures for these discomforts I would love to hear from you and like if it was helpful.