The Role of Men in Supporting Pregnancy.

It is quite common to find that most men are quite confused on what to do when their partners are pregnant so they either become a bit distant or they end up frustrated as they have no clue on what to do. Remember that you and your partner made the baby together so it is quite important you continue the journey together. you cannot carry the baby but you sure can be understanding and provide unending support to your partner she is in a very fragile position and needs to be protected from anything or anyone that can cause harm to her physically or mentally(you can add spiritually if you like). Here are a few tips to give you an idea on how to support your partner, the list is not exhaustive but you sure can start from here:

  1. Help support her throughout pregnancy, if it means relieving her of some roles such as going shopping or caring more for the children when she needs help just support her always.
  2. Help your partner to make a birth plan. A birth plan is a summary of how you want your delivery to take place if you want to use drugs or not, who would be present during your delivery, if she wants a vaginal delivery or a cesarean section and a lot of other important details she just might need your help in making a decision that is being supportive.
  3. provide financial support. this point is self-explanatory provide financial support throughout this period goes a long way, women have either lost their lives or ended up with lifelong complications associated with pregnancy because there was no financial support.
  4. Encourage your partner to attend the antenatal clinic and take their IPT (a prophylactic drug given to pregnant women to prevent Malaria in Pregnancy) as under supervision. be involved if you can follow her for an antenatal clinic and learn a thing or two this is being very supportive most women are happy when you do this.
  5. Apart from taking the IPT  encourage your partner to sleep under insecticide-treated nets buying the nets and retreating them when necessary.
  6. Please stay faithful to your partners or use condoms consistently and correctly to prevent STIs/HIV/. Don’t be scared to get between the sheets during pregnancy no harm will come to the baby unless stated otherwise by your doctor or midwife.
  7. Accompany partner to the health facility during childbirth. women who have support during pregnancy have better birth experiences if you cannot be with her ensure someone is with her during childbirth very very important. partners are allowed in the labor room now in primary health centers in Lagos.

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